A full crew is just as liable to feel the same way as me in failing the mission. It literally has nothing to do with my choices in playing this game. That’s the way I like it, that’s the way I prefer it. This is a fundamental flaw in the mission design, not a “just play different” sort of moment.

The point is, is that I shouldn’t have to. That’s gonna be a biiiiigggg “no sh|7 Sherlock” from me. Well here's a tip if ya want one please do it with a open crew or a discord crew I hope this Tall Tale gets fixed for the next time some weeks from now when I’ll have another chance to try it. Good one Rare, I’ve been tricked by the ultimate Tricksters. I don’t get much time to myself as a father and husband, let alone to play games, and to have all my effort and progress to be completely invalidated by one final death in the final vault is an insult to my time playing SoT. All the progress.my 2 or so hours of progress.was all for nothing. Confused as to why the door was no longer open and wondering where my totem went upon respawn, I researched online, and my worst nightmare was confirmed. So, I’ve only recently been doing the Tall Tales (which I’ve really been enjoying) and today I decided to do the Art of the Trickster. Now, if you don’t have any more big brained ideas, I’m trying to get Rare’s attention on this, instead of gathering undesired attention from unhelpful “pro tippers”.Said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” Moment: Now, if you don’t have any more big brained ideas, I’m trying to get Rare’s attention on this, instead of gathering undesired attention from unhelpful “pro said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” Moment:

Said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” said in Art of the Trickster - A Rare “Gotcha” Moment: